Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ketone of the Ring

Well - my first lapse. I've left my poor blog all by itself for nearly a week.

And that's because I've been so busy. Ahem.

Weekend was full of stuff to think about - we tried out a new drummer on Saturday and he was pretty good. But I really can't see us working with three singers, or in fact with myself and Grimm. So we're going to have to sort it out. But I'm feeling very uneasy about the whole thing. It might be time to move on - but I'm Lloth to give up on all the work we've done.

Wargaming on Saturday - I ran my eleventh century game again, and it seemed to go very well, with 5 players (Brian as the King). My handmade map worked out well and the rules seemed to be tighter than last time. Was pretty happy with this. Ended up playing until about 8 so I didn't' get home til late.

Which was a bit of a mistake, as I'd been out with work on Fri and then a party in Covent Garden with lots of US students until late on Sat. Argh. I've been paying for them all week.


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