Friday, December 16, 2005

Introvert (I) vs Extrovert (E) ?
This prompted me to think further about my I v E tendencies. I remember when I did Myers Briggs (in Putney, I think) I was E. Dad was surprised about this and was similar to me except for this distinction (I was ENTP).

Reading this article (I linked to it via Neal Stephenson's site I questioned my own understanding of my personaility. My assumption was that I was an I that gradually grew in confidence to become more E. I think this was partly due to the (societally-derived?) assumption that E was better than I.

Now I think that I have a strange set of joint I and E tendencies, and that I vary quite substantially between them. I clearly do a lot of my thinking by talking, and derive many of my views and ideas from interaction. But I also need quite a lot of space (maybe due to lacking siblings?) and will frequently go and sit down away from others during a party, for a while.

I also feel very drained after the 3 days of meetings (another one at DTI this morning) but enthused about the project and my own ability to contribute.

this set of circumstances has led me to consider whether the I/E divide is perhaps the right way to think about these issues. Perhaps it could be usefully split into other binary considerations which might help explain the dichotomy discussed above:

Leader v Follower
Decision v Discussion
Interaction v Contemplation

And I'm sure I could think of some more...


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