Sunday, January 28, 2007


I am a warrior of the light
I turn all wrongs into right
I wish I could make truth
Shine in the night
But I can't

I am a warrior of the dance
I leap around in a frenzied trance
I could unleash my fearsome
Warrior stance
But I shan't

I am a warrior of the mind
Seeking truth for all mankind
But I believe that dogma
Makes people blind
In my heart

I am a warrior for the past
Hoping that reason will stick fast
To our understanding of
humanity's unity at last
It's a start

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


So the new year begins.

Christmas was good - managed to relax despite a horrific 4 hour coach ride to Oxford and a slightly less horrific drive across southern England on Christmas day itself to visit the relatives.

Saw Pan's Labyrinth with K in Leicester Square. Was brilliant - the end managed to be both happy and sad - set in the Spanish Civil War with a dark fairy story moving alongside it. Also saw Deja Vu with some of my cousins on Boxing Day - also very good.

NYE in Euston ("Euston, I own you") with D and mates. Fun.

Now back at work but only until the end of the week when I go to India...