Theme: failure of deregulation
In the 1980s businesses all over the world, but especially in the UK, successfully lobbied for deregulation and privatisation on the grounds of efficiency gains. After 20-30 years of this it has been conclusively proved to be a failure - unrestrained and so called self-regulating markets do not self-regulate, not even in their own self-interest.
Banks and Newspapers (and energy companies, supermarkets etc) need to be regulated by the state on a number of key grounds:
Honesty / Transparency
Viability / Probity
Serving the public interest
If any of these tests are failed (at a strategic, not a one-off tactical level) then the businesses should be nationalised or at the very least all the management replaced with NO compensation.
We need change in our society. Huge corporations who shape our world must be made genuinely accountable to society - if this can't work then they should be forcibly split apart and restructured so that they do so.
Labels: banks, deregulation, murdoch, news, news international, regulation, revolution