Monday, June 13, 2005

Better the devil you know

Well, I can't avoid the sneaking suspicion that I had quite a lame weekend.

Had friday off and was so tired that I went to bed about 6:30 and then got up and stayed up. Doing pretty much nothing. Failed to go to Sarah's birthday, meet Alex ("Che cazzo fai?") or go to Planet Angel with Dunc and Nick.

Saturday lamed it again - got up at 9 but went back to bed and didn't emerge properly until about 4, by which time it was far too late to go to Jim's birthday. Stayed in and finished Halo 2 with Dunc. Amazing but still sad.

Sunday got up just in time for drumming but walked up to the Factory and found it was cancelled. B*stards. My chance of achieving anything over the weekend had truly gone. Just about made it to League of Gentlemen's Apocalyse (pretty good but nothing special) in the cinema in the evening.

Thus endeth yet another step on the road to decrepitude.

I guess it's true, what they say...


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