I was reading about Fukuyama's 'The End of History', which I really ought to get around to reading at some point, when I came across 'thymotic'. It took me a while to track down the meaning, and in the process I found this interesting comment.
http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article1034.htmlNote the gradual progression from interesting comment to nutterdom, which I admit snuck up on me.
The 'article' raises several interesing issues:
1) The 'hubris' of Islam in attacking the WTC. Is the author comparing the US and its financial institutions to God? Can we see Osama bin Laden as a new kind of hero, standing up to struggle in vain against the inevitable tide of liberal capitalism like other failed, tragic heroes? If 11/9 is a Sophoclean tragedy, where is the anagnoresis, where is the catharsis?
2) How easily 'liberal' political thought such as that of Fukuyama and Plato can be used to justify xenophobia and militarism
3) The striking absence of Nietzsche from this comment, when you might have expected it to rear its head
4) The failure of the article to deal with responses to Hegel, including some bloke called Marx
5) Is this the kind of s*it the New Right / Neo Conservatives in the US are using to justify intellectually their opposition to 'multiculturalism' (which is pretty foolish given the immigrant and multicultural make up of their country), or is this a particularly bad example?
6) Isn't the author, in his championing of 'Judeo-Christianity' at the end of the piece, aware of the fundamental contradiction of a prospective defender of Christian culture using pride, one of the mortal sins of Christianity, as a focus for cultural conservatism?